Recycling Guide
Road Runner Waste Service is proud to serve local businesses as their dedicated recycling partner in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico, and surrounding areas. We care about a cleaner environment and are increasing our efforts to make recycling in your area easier and more convenient.
How Does Recycling Work?
We collect full recycle dumpsters at curbsides, multi-family dwellings, or businesses. At recycling facilities (MRFs), materials are sorted, cleaned, compressed, and prepared for sale to end markets.

Clean every item
Clean items are crucial to avoid contamination during transportation to recycling facilities.

Waste Collection
When recycle dumpsters are full, they are then collected by Road Runner Waste Service at a curbside, multi-family dwelling, or business.

Recycling facility (MRF)
Materials are sorted and organized by material types, then inspected for final quality control clean-up before being baled (compressed) together and staged for sale to end markets.

What Goes in the Recycling Bin?
Please review our list of accepted and non-acceptable items for recycling.
Acceptable Items
All recycle items can be placed freely in your recycle cart (not bagged). Tip: NO LIQUID/FOOD IN ITEMS (REDUCES ODOR)
- Tin Cans
- Steel Cans
- Aluminum Cans
- Aerosol Cans
- Plastic Two Liter Bottles
- Plastics Labeled #1 thru #7
- Rigid Plastics (i.e. Toys, Hampers)
- Laundry Detergent Bottles
- Shrink Wrap/Plastic Film
- Plastic Bottles/Jugs
Paper and Cardboard
- Soda Boxes
- Milk Cartons
- Corrugated Cardboard
- Cereal/Cracker Boxes (Chipboard)
- Paper Egg Cartons
- Juice Boxes
- Computer Paper
- Shredded Paper (Item Accepted in Clear Plastic Bags)
- Manila Folders
- Catalogs & Brochures
- Books (Hard & Soft Cover)
- All White and Colored Paper
- Newspaper – Including Inserts
- Magazines & Junk Mail
- All Envelopes (Window OK)
- Phone Books
Unacceptable Items
Hazardous Waste
- Medical Waste
- Carbon Paper
- Blue Print (Old Style, Blue Ink)
- Scrap Metal (Hangers, Wires, Auto Parts)
- Napkins/Paper Towels
Plastic Grocery Bags
Pizza Boxes
Construction Debris
Food Waste/Liquids
- NO Ashes
- Fluorescent Paper
- Green Waste (Grass/Branches)
- Kitchen Utensils
- Food Service Items (Cups/Plates)
- Fast Food Containers/Wrappers
Styrofoam (Egg Cartons/Cups)
Incorrect Battery Disposal Can Cause Fires
Common household items seem harmless, however, the batteries in them pose risks when disposed into regular garbage or recycling containers because of their highly flammable nature.
Remove the batteries
Check the electronic devices you need to dispose of. If possible, remove the batteries. If not, bring the whole device to the drop off location.Store batteries in a safe place
Store batteries in non-metallic containers (plastic, cardboard, or glass) that do not conduct electricity if there is a spark.Find your local drop off
Find a local electronic disposal store, or find a drop off location near you.